Following a massive increase in awareness and acknowledgment of Neurodiversity in society, some therapists and therapy services continue to grapple with their own anxieties or discomfort about working with Neurodiverse individuals. With such a potentially broad spectrum of presentation, it is universally agreed one size does not fit all. However, today access and adaptation to therapy modalities can offer a challenge for clients and therapists alike.
Join us for two half days journeying into a greater understanding of Neurodiversity (in particular, Autism and ADHD). The aim is to develop a deeper understanding of the experiences and the potential impacts of Neurodivergence for individuals living in this world. Pairing this understanding with the AIP Model for EMDR we explore formulations, strategies to aid engagement in EMDR, and potential adaptations to Shapiro’s 8-phased treatment protocol.
Participants will learn to conceptualize Neurodivergent presentations, and develop case conceptualization to inform EMDR interventions. Learn how to develop a neuro-affirming practice, that aligns with client strengths and unique presentations. You’ll learn differential diagnosis and presentations for Autism, ADHD, and trauma related presentations. Dive into the 8 phases of EMDR, and learn appropriate modifications for reprocessing along with ways to work with cognitions, emotions and somatic experiences. Learn aligned protocols to support phases 4-7 of EMDR with the Neurodivergent toolbox. Most importantly, learn the importance of staying adaptive and flexible as an EMDR therapist in your work with Neurodivergent presentations.
This training will increase your confidence, skill set, and creativity when working with Neurodiverse individuals. You’ll learn techniques to make EMDR more accessible and support positive treatment outcomes throughout the 8 phases of EMDR.

Day 1
Intro Day 1
Understanding neurodivergence, ADHD and Autism. History and how it influences us today.
A way of understanding difference. Diagnosis and why EMDR therapists need to understand different presentations of Neurodivergence.
Feeding back into the therapy room. Neuro-affirmative practice. How and what to consider
Q & A
Autism, ADHD, and trauma current issues. Linking the tracks journeying through Autism, ADHD, and Trauma. Interactions with EMDR. Exercise thinking clients experience.
Initial 3 areas for understanding the person
Q & A
Preverbal treatment planning techniques
Day 2
Intro and brief recap
EMDR Formulation, Phase 1 introducing the formulation tool. Characteristics, experience, and responses.
Cognitions, emotion, body, behavior. Adverse events. Present difficulties.
Resources and phase 2 preparation strategies
Q & A
Research & Protocols (Phases 3-7) – Learn the 3 pillars and the Neurodivergent toolbox: COFFA protocol and adaptations.
Formulation, attunement, and summary

Participants will be able to identify the individuals’ Neurodiverse needs and presentations and how this influences their life and experiences
Participants will be able to list key practical considerations for the therapy environment to support Neurodiverse individuals
Participants will identify a wider perspective of trauma than referred to in PTSD DSM Manual
Participants will be able to develop appropriate EMDR formulations and treatment plans to assist the client in meeting goals for therapy
Participants will be able to apply creative strategies to prepare a client for trauma processing (Phase 2 build aip and develop regulation skills)
Participants will be able to analyze the purpose of each of the 8 phases of EMDR in order to consider potential adaptations
Participants will be able to create reasonable adjustments to promote engagement and accessibility when processing with EMDR whilst keeping the fidelity of the model
Participants will be able to utilize the EMDR NDI Formulation tool and The Autism EMDR Toolbox


Caroline Van Diest is a Senior EMDR Europe Accredited trainer at Mindsync EMDR Training and Trauma Therapist Institute. Her teaching style has been described as highly effective, safe, informative, energizing, and encouraging, enabling her audience to positively learn and develop their clinical practice to
a high standard.
Caroline has presented numerous trainings over the 10 years with the theme of understanding Neurodivergence and formulating and adapting CBT and EMDR Therapies to best meet clients’ needs. She has presented at two EMDR UK Conferences, engaged in and published research on the use of EMDR For Autistic individuals, co-authored a chapter in a book (Psychological Therapies for Adults with autism D Spain et al (2022) participated in Russell Hurn’s EMDR UK Association podcast. Caroline is the chairperson for the ND & EMDR special interest group (EMDR UK Association) providing a supportive network for other therapists. Whilst training and supervising a key number of therapists in the UK. Caroline currently works in private practice (Synthesa Therapy) supporting older children and adults of all ages with a range of psychological needs.
Caroline has both professional and personal experience of Neurodiversity. She offers herself purely as an exploratory colleague with an open mind, willing and keen to explore ideas to enhance therapy and advocate for the client. She is known for her passion and enthusiasm and with a very natural open humorous style she is complimented for her therapy, teaching, and supervision. Personally, she loves living in the countryside with her family (beautiful amazing daughter and adorable hubby (He is also an EMDR Trainer) caring for a menagerie of animals, wandering in the forest, working in the garden, or wrestling with her work-life balance and desire for connectivity with others and creativity!