EMDR Advanced Training

EMDR and Somatic Therapy

Trainer: Alison Leslie

Available on-demand 

Struggling to help your clients attune to their bodies? Ready to overcome the roadblocks in your EMDR practice? Join Alison Leslie in our EMDR and Somatic Therapy course, which is designed specifically for therapists like you who are eager to deepen their skills and enhance their clients’ healing processes. This course addresses the critical pain points you face: understanding and implementing titration and pendulation, integrating somatic therapy into your sessions, and moving beyond cognitive interweaves that aren’t working.

Imagine guiding your clients through their internal experiences with more ease, helping them connect with their bodies and heal more effectively. This course offers practical, hands-on skills to witness the body in new ways, understand memory networks’ impacts, and support clients in navigating both comfortable and uncomfortable sensations. You’ll leave with a robust set of tools to boost your confidence in using body-based interventions and achieve better outcomes for your clients. Join us and transform your approach to EMDR therapy, unlocking new levels of healing for those you serve.

This course was recorded on October 24-25th, 2024.

Available asynchronous-on demand learning.


Free resource from Alison Leslie

Download this free resource by Alison Leslie. This offers a guided worksheet to help your client with this practice.


Understanding the deep connection of how trauma is held in the body can allow clinicians new and essential tools to support their client ‘ s healing.
Combining the power of somatic therapy throughout the 8 phases of EMDR can aid in the therapeutic process and allow clients to come in touch with their internal experience with less fear, more compassion, and increased curiosity in order to heal in powerful ways.

Specific skills and practices will be introduced, including how to witness the body in new ways, a deeper understanding of how implicit and explicit memory networks impact our day -to-day experience, and the importance of pendulation and titration skills. We will put these skills together to help clients lean into their internal experience with more ease, coming into greater connection with sensations that are both comfortable and uncomfortable.

Lastly, we will explore how self-protective mechanisms can be thwarted in overwhelming experiences and how to help the body move toward resolution.
You will walk away from this course with new insights and clinical tools to support yourself and your clients during the therapeutic experience.


Day 1

  • Welcome, Overview of Day 1, Creating a Nest
  • History of Somatic Therapy and quick overview of EMDR
  • Defining Trauma
  • PVT and How the Body Remembers
  • Threat Response cycle, video, and experiential activity
  • Explicit/Implicit Memory and experiential exercise
  • Faux Window of Tolerance, Co Regulation, joining vs. merging
  • Phase 1 History Taking, through the eyes of the clinician, experiential
  • activity
  • Phase 2 Preparation and Somatic Therapy – Helping the body prepare for EMDR therapy and gaining a connection to the internal state with curiosity and more

Day 2

  • Welcome back, overview of the day, Q and A

  • Phase 2: Healthy Touch

  • Phase 2 Somatic exercises to support increase capacity, video examples

  • Coupling and Uncoupling dynamics in Phase 3

  • Phase 4: Observing the Body in Phase 4 and supporting completion through interweaves

  • Phase 4: Helping the Body know it Survived

  • Phase 4: Completion

  • Phase 5: Installation

  • Somatic Exercise

  • Phase 6, body Scan and Phase 7 Closure with Somatic techniques

  • Phase 8 Re-evaluation; continuing to witness the body as a marker of change

  • Working through stuck points: When clients override the body; extra support for increased safety with dissociation, and Q and A



  • Lifetime access to the course!
  • Join our shame free spaces for learning!
  • Choose from various payment options including payment plans


  • Integrate somatic therapy techniques throughout the eight phases of EMDR.

  • Evaluate embodiment exercises to support clients coming into contact with the body in new ways

  • Appraise the use of pendulation and titration techniques to expand a client’s window of tolerance.

  • Apply somatic therapy interventions in Phase 4 Desensitization to facilitate target reprocessing.

  • Support clients in developing interoception and somatic awareness as a vital Phase 2 Preparation technique.

  • Identify how implicit memory, somatic cues, and patterns are held and experienced in the body.

  • Apply the threat response cycle to case conceptualization and where a client is stuck in this cycle.

  • Evaluate healthy strategies for self-touch with clients and how these skills can add to healing and preparation phases.

  • Apply tracking of the internal experience and channels of processing to support a client’s healing process.


Alison is a licensed clinical social worker who lives in Bloomington, IN and owns her own private practice, Empower Healing.

Alison approaches therapy through the lens of presence and attunement and believes in being a guide to help clients find their own internal healing powers. She has a background in animal-assisted services and includes the human-animal bond and nature in the therapeutic experience. Alison Leslie is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Transforming Touch Therapist as well as an EMDRIA-approved therapist and consultant, advanced trainer, Basic Training facilitator, and EMDR Basic Training trainer-in-training with Trauma Therapist Institute.

In consultation, Alison likes to meet the consultee where they are at and support helping the consultee become embodied in the work they are doing and lean into their own internal guide as she supports growth in EMDR skills and Somatic Therapy through openness, curiosity, and compassion.




  • Lifetime access to the course!
  • Join our shame free spaces for learning!
  • Choose from various payment options including payment plans

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